Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'B1FF'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
TH3 Q|_|1(/< |3R0\/\//\/ F0X _/|_|/\/\P5 0\/3R TH3 |_/-\ZY |)06.

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
B1FF by Joe Rumsey 12/94 based on Terminal by Glenn Chappell
Includes characters 128-255
figlet release 2.1 -- 12 Aug 1994
Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
1    - height of a character
1    - height of a character, not including descenders
10   - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
-1   - default smushmode for this font
16   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
/-\ |3  (   |)  3   F   6   H   1   _/

/<  |_  /\/\/\/ 0   P   Q   R   5   T

|_| \/  \/\/X   Y   Z

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

/-\ |3  (   |)  3   F   6   H   1   _/

/<  |_  /\/\/\/ 0   P   Q   R   5   T

|_| \/  \/\/X   Y   Z

ä   ö   ü   Ä   Ö   Ü   ß

    !   "   #   $   %   &   '

(   )   *   +   ,   -   .   /

:   ;   <   =   >   ?   @

[   \   ]   ^   _   ´   {   |   }   ~
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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