Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'amcslder'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
                                       ______                                          ____
      .'.             .'. .`.        .~      ~.             ..'''' |        |``````.  |            |`````````,
    .''```.         .'   `   `.     |                    .''       |        |       | |______      |'''|'''''
  .'       `.     .'           `.   |                 ..'          |        |       | |            |    `.
.'           `. .'               `.  `.______.' ....''             |_______ |......'  |___________ |      `.

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
                         ____                  ______                     ______                     ____                     ______                                               ___________    ______                                                                                                               ______                     ____                                                    ____                                                                                      ______        _____
`````|````` |         | |                    .~      ~.  |         | |  .~      ~. |    ..''        |    ~.    |`````````,  .~      ~.  `.               .' |..          |        |             .~      ~.   ``..      ..''                 | |         |       .'. .`.       |`````````,             ..''''         .~      ~.  `.           .' |            |`````````,        `````|````` |         | |                   |              .'.       `````````:' ``..     ..''        |``````.   .~      ~.   .-~     ~.
     |      |_________| |______             |          | |         | | |           |..''            |____.'_   |'''|'''''  |          |   `.           .'   |  ``..      |        |______      |          |      ``..''                     | |         |     .'   `   `.     |'''''''''           .''              |          |   `.       .'   |______      |'''|'''''              |      |_________| |______             |            .''```.           ..'       ``.''            |       | |          | :
     |      |         | |                   |      ._  | |         | | |           |``..            |       ~. |    `.     |          |     `.   .   .'     |      ``..  |        |            |          |      ..'`..            .        | |         |   .'           `.   |                 ..'                 |          |     `.   .'     |            |    `.                 |      |         | |                   |          .'       `.     ..''            |              |       | |          | :     _____
     |      |         | |___________         `.______~-_ `._______.' |  `.______.' |    ``..        |_______.' |      `.    `.______.'        `.' `.'       |          ``|        |             `.______.'   ..''      ``..        `..____..' `._______.' .'               `. |           ....''                     `.______.'        `.'       |___________ |      `.               |      |         | |___________        |_______ .'           `. .:,,,,,,,,,       |              |......'   `.______.'   `-._____.'|

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
                    Slider font by LESTER

-> Conversion to FigLet font by MEPH. (Part of ASCII Editor Service Pack I)
-> Defined: ASCII code alphabet
-> Uppercase characters only.

Lester||||AMC - Anthony Cucchiara
*Mythos Online : Internet Magazine of Lovecraftian Horror - Dead Alice*
*Visit my web page ANSI/ASCII/Fonts*

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
                     ____                  ______                                ____                ___________            _____
      .'.           |    ~.              .~      ~.         |``````.            |                   |                    .-~     ~.         |         |         |                            |
    .''```.         |____.'_            |                   |       |           |______             |______             :                   |_________|         |                            |
  .'       `.       |       ~.          |                   |       |           |                   |                   :     _____         |         |         |                   .        |
.'           `.     |_______.'           `.______.'         |......'            |___________        |                    `-._____.'|        |         |         |                   `..____..'

                                                                                   ______                                  ______
|    ..''           |                         .'. .`.       |..          |       .~      ~.         |`````````,          .~      ~.         |`````````,                     ..''''  `````|`````
|..''               |                       .'   `   `.     |  ``..      |      |          |        |'''''''''          |          |        |'''|'''''                   .''             |
|``..               |                     .'           `.   |      ``..  |      |          |        |                   |      ._  |        |    `.                   ..'                |
|    ``..           |_______            .'               `. |          ``|       `.______.'         |                    `.______~-_        |      `.           ....''                   |

|         |         `.           .'     `.               .'  ``..      ..''     ``..     ..''       `````````:'
|         |           `.       .'         `.           .'        ``..''             ``.''                 ..'
|         |             `.   .'             `.   .   .'          ..'`..               |               ..''
`._______.'               `.'                 `.' `.'        ..''      ``..           |             .:,,,,,,,,,

                     ____                  ______                                ____                ___________            _____
      .'.           |    ~.              .~      ~.         |``````.            |                   |                    .-~     ~.         |         |         |                            |
    .''```.         |____.'_            |                   |       |           |______             |______             :                   |_________|         |                            |
  .'       `.       |       ~.          |                   |       |           |                   |                   :     _____         |         |         |                   .        |
.'           `.     |_______.'           `.______.'         |......'            |___________        |                    `-._____.'|        |         |         |                   `..____..'

                                                                                   ______                                  ______
|    ..''           |                         .'. .`.       |..          |       .~      ~.         |`````````,          .~      ~.         |`````````,                     ..''''  `````|`````
|..''               |                       .'   `   `.     |  ``..      |      |          |        |'''''''''          |          |        |'''|'''''                   .''             |
|``..               |                     .'           `.   |      ``..  |      |          |        |                   |      ._  |        |    `.                   ..'                |
|    ``..           |_______            .'               `. |          ``|       `.______.'         |                    `.______~-_        |      `.           ....''                   |

|         |         `.           .'     `.               .'  ``..      ..''     ``..     ..''       `````````:'
|         |           `.       .'         `.           .'        ``..''             ``.''                 ..'
|         |             `.   .'             `.   .   .'          ..'`..               |               ..''
`._______.'               `.'                 `.' `.'        ..''      ``..           |             .:,,,,,,,,,

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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