Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

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Font: 'basic'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
d8888b.  .d8b.  .d8888. d888888b  .o88b.
88  `8D d8' `8b 88'  YP   `88'   d8P  Y8
88oooY' 88ooo88 `8bo.      88    8P
88~~~b. 88~~~88   `Y8b.    88    8b
88   8D 88   88 db   8D   .88.   Y8b  d8
Y8888P' YP   YP `8888Y' Y888888P  `Y88P'

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
d888888b db   db d88888b    .d88b.  db    db d888888b  .o88b. db   dD   d8888b. d8888b.  .d88b.  db   d8b   db d8b   db   d88888b  .d88b.  db    db      d88b db    db .88b  d88. d8888b. .d8888.    .d88b.  db    db d88888b d8888b.   d888888b db   db d88888b   db       .d8b.  d88888D db    db   d8888b.  .d88b.   d888b
`~~88~~' 88   88 88'       .8P  Y8. 88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 88 ,8P'   88  `8D 88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88   I8I   88 888o  88   88'     .8P  Y8. `8b  d8'      `8P' 88    88 88'YbdP`88 88  `8D 88'  YP   .8P  Y8. 88    88 88'     88  `8D   `~~88~~' 88   88 88'       88      d8' `8b YP  d8' `8b  d8'   88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88' Y8b
   88    88ooo88 88ooooo   88    88 88    88    88    8P      88,8P     88oooY' 88oobY' 88    88 88   I8I   88 88V8o 88   88ooo   88    88  `8bd8'        88  88    88 88  88  88 88oodD' `8bo.     88    88 Y8    8P 88ooooo 88oobY'      88    88ooo88 88ooooo   88      88ooo88    d8'   `8bd8'    88   88 88    88 88
   88    88~~~88 88~~~~~   88    88 88    88    88    8b      88`8b     88~~~b. 88`8b   88    88 Y8   I8I   88 88 V8o88   88~~~   88    88  .dPYb.        88  88    88 88  88  88 88~~~     `Y8b.   88    88 `8b  d8' 88~~~~~ 88`8b        88    88~~~88 88~~~~~   88      88~~~88   d8'      88      88   88 88    88 88  ooo
   88    88   88 88.       `8P  d8' 88b  d88   .88.   Y8b  d8 88 `88.   88   8D 88 `88. `8b  d8' `8b d8'8b d8' 88  V888   88      `8b  d8' .8P  Y8.   db. 88  88b  d88 88  88  88 88      db   8D   `8b  d8'  `8bd8'  88.     88 `88.      88    88   88 88.       88booo. 88   88  d8' db    88      88  .8D `8b  d8' 88. ~8~ db
   YP    YP   YP Y88888P    `Y88'Y8 ~Y8888P' Y888888P  `Y88P' YP   YD   Y8888P' 88   YD  `Y88P'   `8b8' `8d8'  VP   V8P   YP       `Y88P'  YP    YP   Y8888P  ~Y8888P' YP  YP  YP 88      `8888Y'    `Y88P'     YP    Y88888P 88   YD      YP    YP   YP Y88888P   Y88888P YP   YP d88888P    YP      Y8888D'  `Y88P'   Y888P  VP

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
basic.flf by Craig O'Flaherty <>
August 17, 1994

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
 .d8b.       d8888b.       .o88b.      d8888b.      d88888b      d88888b       d888b       db   db      d888888b        d88b
d8' `8b      88  `8D      d8P  Y8      88  `8D      88'          88'          88' Y8b      88   88        `88'          `8P'
88ooo88      88oooY'      8P           88   88      88ooooo      88ooo        88           88ooo88         88            88
88~~~88      88~~~b.      8b           88   88      88~~~~~      88~~~        88  ooo      88~~~88         88            88
88   88      88   8D      Y8b  d8      88  .8D      88.          88           88. ~8~      88   88        .88.       db. 88
YP   YP      Y8888P'       `Y88P'      Y8888D'      Y88888P      YP            Y888P       YP   YP      Y888888P     Y8888P

db   dD      db           .88b  d88.   d8b   db      .d88b.      d8888b.       .d88b.      d8888b.      .d8888.      d888888b
88 ,8P'      88           88'YbdP`88   888o  88     .8P  Y8.     88  `8D      .8P  Y8.     88  `8D      88'  YP      `~~88~~'
88,8P        88           88  88  88   88V8o 88     88    88     88oodD'      88    88     88oobY'      `8bo.           88
88`8b        88           88  88  88   88 V8o88     88    88     88~~~        88    88     88`8b          `Y8b.         88
88 `88.      88booo.      88  88  88   88  V888     `8b  d8'     88           `8P  d8'     88 `88.      db   8D         88
YP   YD      Y88888P      YP  YP  YP   VP   V8P      `Y88P'      88            `Y88'Y8     88   YD      `8888Y'         YP

db    db     db    db     db   d8b   db db    db     db    db     d88888D
88    88     88    88     88   I8I   88 `8b  d8'     `8b  d8'     YP  d8'
88    88     Y8    8P     88   I8I   88  `8bd8'       `8bd8'         d8'
88    88     `8b  d8'     Y8   I8I   88  .dPYb.         88          d8'
88b  d88      `8bd8'      `8b d8'8b d8' .8P  Y8.        88         d8' db
~Y8888P'        YP         `8b8' `8d8'  YP    YP        YP        d88888P

 .d88b.       db          .d888b.      d8888b.        j88D         ooooo         dD        d88888D      .d888b.      .d888b.
.8P  88.     o88          VP  `8D      VP  `8D       j8~88        8P~~~~        d8'        VP  d8'      88   8D      88' `8D
88  d'88      88             odD'        oooY'      j8' 88       dP            d8'            d8'       `VoooY'      `V8o88'
88 d' 88      88           .88'          ~~~b.      V88888D      V8888b.      d8888b.        d8'        .d~~~b.         d8'
`88  d8'      88          j88.         db   8D          88           `8D      88' `8D       d8'         88   8D        d8'
 `Y88P'       VP          888888D      Y8888P'          VP       88oobY'      `8888P       d8'          `Y888P'       d8'

 .d8b.       d8888b.       .o88b.      d8888b.      d88888b      d88888b       d888b       db   db      d888888b        d88b
d8' `8b      88  `8D      d8P  Y8      88  `8D      88'          88'          88' Y8b      88   88        `88'          `8P'
88ooo88      88oooY'      8P           88   88      88ooooo      88ooo        88           88ooo88         88            88
88~~~88      88~~~b.      8b           88   88      88~~~~~      88~~~        88  ooo      88~~~88         88            88
88   88      88   8D      Y8b  d8      88  .8D      88.          88           88. ~8~      88   88        .88.       db. 88
YP   YP      Y8888P'       `Y88P'      Y8888D'      Y88888P      YP            Y888P       YP   YP      Y888888P     Y8888P

db   dD      db           .88b  d88.   d8b   db      .d88b.      d8888b.       .d88b.      d8888b.      .d8888.      d888888b
88 ,8P'      88           88'YbdP`88   888o  88     .8P  Y8.     88  `8D      .8P  Y8.     88  `8D      88'  YP      `~~88~~'
88,8P        88           88  88  88   88V8o 88     88    88     88oodD'      88    88     88oobY'      `8bo.           88
88`8b        88           88  88  88   88 V8o88     88    88     88~~~        88    88     88`8b          `Y8b.         88
88 `88.      88booo.      88  88  88   88  V888     `8b  d8'     88           `8P  d8'     88 `88.      db   8D         88
YP   YD      Y88888P      YP  YP  YP   VP   V8P      `Y88P'      88            `Y88'Y8     88   YD      `8888Y'         YP

db    db     db    db     db   d8b   db db    db     db    db     d88888D
88    88     88    88     88   I8I   88 `8b  d8'     `8b  d8'     YP  d8'
88    88     Y8    8P     88   I8I   88  `8bd8'       `8bd8'         d8'
88    88     `8b  d8'     Y8   I8I   88  .dPYb.         88          d8'
88b  d88      `8bd8'      `8b d8'8b d8' .8P  Y8.        88         d8' db
~Y8888P'        YP         `8b8' `8d8'  YP    YP        YP        d88888P

             db           .o. .o.                      A         db   dD      .d888b.      Cb
             88           `8' `8'       db db       .d8888.      YP  d8'      8P   8D      `D
             YP                        C88888D      88'8 YP         d8'       `Vb d8'       '
                                        88 88       `8b8.          d8'         d88C dD
             db                        C88888D        `V8b.       d8' db      C8' d8D
             YP                         YP YP       db 8 8D      d8'  YP      `888P Yb

    dD       Cb                                                                                 dD
  d8'         `8b         8. A .8        db                                                    d8'
 d8             8b        `8.8.8'        88                                                   d8'
C88             88D         888        C8888D                    C8888D                      d8'
 V8             8P        .d'8`b.        88         db                        db            d8'
  V8.         .8P         8' V `8        VP         V8                        VP           C8'
    VD       CP                                      P

                                                                 .d888b.       .o888b.
db           db              .dP       C8888D       Vb           VP  `8D      d8'   Y8
VP           VP            .d8                       `Vb            odD'      8P db dP
                          ,P           C8888D          `V.         8P'        8b V8o8P
db           db           `b                           .d'         oo         Y8.    d
VP           V8            `Vb                       .dP           VP          `Y888P'
              P              `Vb                    dP

d88D         Cb           C88D            db                                     .8P       8            V8.           .oo.  .
88           `8b            88          .dPVb.                                   8'        8             `8          P'  `VP'
88            `8b           88         dP'  `Vb                                .dP         8              Vb.
88             `8b          88                                                C88                          88D
88              `8b         88                                                 `Yb         8              dP'
L88D             `8D      C888                      C88888D                      8.        8             .8
                                                                                 `8b       8            C8'

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

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Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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