Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'bulbhead'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
 ____  __  __  __    ____  _   _  ____    __    ____
(  _ \(  )(  )(  )  (  _ \( )_( )( ___)  /__\  (  _ \
 ) _ < )(__)(  )(__  ) _ < ) _ (  )__)  /(__)\  )(_) )
(____/(______)(____)(____/(_) (_)(____)(__)(__)(____/
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 ____  _   _  ____    _____  __  __  ____  ___  _  _    ____  ____  _____  _    _  _  _    ____  _____  _  _     ____  __  __  __  __  ____  ___    _____  _  _  ____  ____    ____  _   _  ____    __      __    ____  _  _    ____  _____  ___
(_  _)( )_( )( ___)  (  _  )(  )(  )(_  _)/ __)( )/ )  (  _ \(  _ \(  _  )( \/\/ )( \( )  ( ___)(  _  )( \/ )   (_  _)(  )(  )(  \/  )(  _ \/ __)  (  _  )( \/ )( ___)(  _ \  (_  _)( )_( )( ___)  (  )    /__\  (_   )( \/ )  (  _ \(  _  )/ __)
  )(   ) _ (  )__)    )(_)(  )(__)(  _)(_( (__  )  (    ) _ < )   / )(_)(  )    (  )  (    )__)  )(_)(  )  (   .-_)(   )(__)(  )    (  )___/\__ \   )(_)(  \  /  )__)  )   /    )(   ) _ (  )__)    )(__  /(__)\  / /_  \  /    )(_) ))(_)(( (_-.
 (__) (_) (_)(____)  (___/\\(______)(____)\___)(_)\_)  (____/(_)\_)(_____)(__/\__)(_)\_)  (__)  (_____)(_/\_)  \____) (______)(_/\/\_)(__)  (___/  (_____)  \/  (____)(_)\_)   (__) (_) (_)(____)  (____)(__)(__)(____) (__)   (____/(_____)\___/()

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Bulbhead by Jef Poskanzer, 23jun94
Figlet release 2.0 -- August 5, 1993
 ____  __  __  __    ____  _   _  ____    __    ____
(  _ \(  )(  )(  )  (  _ \( )_( )( ___)  /__\  (  _ \
 ) _ < )(__)(  )(__  ) _ < ) _ (  )___) /(__)\  )(_) )
(____/(______)(____)(____/(_) (_)(____)(__)(__)(____/

Update February 12, 2002 by Markus Gebhard
  Added german umlauts

Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
$    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
4    - height of a character
4    - height of a character, not including descenders
99   - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
0    - default smushmode for this font (like "-m 0" on command line)
13   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
   __    ____     ___    ____    ____    ____     ___    _   _   ____     ____
  /__\  (  _ \   / __)  (  _ \  ( ___)  ( ___)   / __)  ( )_( ) (_  _)   (_  _)
 /(__)\  ) _ <  ( (__    )(_) )  )__)    )__)   ( (_-.   ) _ (   _)(_   .-_)(
(__)(__)(____/   \___)  (____/  (____)  (__)     \___/  (_) (_) (____)  \____)

 _  _    __      __  __  _  _    _____   ____    _____   ____    ___     ____
( )/ )  (  )    (  \/  )( \( )  (  _  ) (  _ \  (  _  ) (  _ \  / __)   (_  _)
 )  (    )(__    )    (  )  (    )(_)(   )___/   )(_)(   )   /  \__ \     )(
(_)\_)  (____)  (_/\/\_)(_)\_)  (_____) (__)    (___/\\ (_)\_)  (___/    (__)

 __  __  _  _    _    _  _  _    _  _    ____
(  )(  )( \/ )  ( \/\/ )( \/ )  ( \/ )  (_   )
 )(__)(  \  /    )    (  )  (    \  /    / /_
(______)  \/    (__/\__)(_/\_)   (__)   (____)

  ___     __     ___     ___      __     ___      _      ___     ___     ___
 / _ \   /  )   (__ \   (__ )    /. |   | __)    / )    (__ )   ( _ )   / _ \
( (_) )   )(     / _/    (_ \   (_  _)  |__ \   / _ \    / /    / _ \   \_  /
 \___/   (__)   (____)  (___/     (_)   (___/   \___/   (_/     \___/    (_/

   __    ____     ___    ____    ____    ____     ___    _   _   ____     ____
  /__\  (  _ \   / __)  (  _ \  ( ___)  ( ___)   / __)  ( )_( ) (_  _)   (_  _)
 /(__)\  ) _ <  ( (__    )(_) )  )__)    )__)   ( (_-.   ) _ (   _)(_   .-_)(
(__)(__)(____/   \___)  (____/  (____)  (__)     \___/  (_) (_) (____)  \____)

 _  _    __      __  __  _  _    _____   ____    _____   ____    ___     ____
( )/ )  (  )    (  \/  )( \( )  (  _  ) (  _ \  (  _  ) (  _ \  / __)   (_  _)
 )  (    )(__    )    (  )  (    )(_)(   )___/   )(_)(   )   /  \__ \     )(
(_)\_)  (____)  (_/\/\_)(_)\_)  (_____) (__)    (___/\\ (_)\_)  (___/    (__)

 __  __  _  _    _    _  _  _    _  _    ____
(  )(  )( \/ )  ( \/\/ )( \/ )  ( \/ )  (_   )
 )(__)(  \  /    )    (  )  (    \  /    / /_
(______)  \/    (__/\__)(_/\_)   (__)   (____)

 (_)(_) (_)_(_)  (_)(_)  (_)(_) (_)_(_)  (_)(_)  ___
  /__\  (  _  ) (  )(  )  /__\  (  _  ) (  )(  )/ _ )
 /(__)\  )(_)(   )(__)(  /(__)\  )(_)(   )(__)( | _ \
(__)(__)(_____) (______)(__)(__)(_____) (______)| __/

        /\      ||       | |     _|_     _  _     _     /
        )(              -|-|-   / |_)   (_)/ )   ( )
        \/              -|-|-   \_| \     / /_   /_\/
        ()               | |    (_|_/    (_/(_) (__/\

  _      _                 _                               _
 / )    ( \     \|/      _| |_           ___              / )
( (      ) )    /|\     (_   _) ()      (___)            / /
 \_)    (_/               |_|   /               ()      (_/

        ()        __     ___    __       ___      __
()               / /    (___)   \ \     (__ )    /  \
        ()      < <      ___     > >     (_/    | ()/
()      /        \_\    (___)   /_/      (_)     \__

 __      _      __       / \                     ,-     /\      -.
|       ( \       |     (_^_)                   _|      ||       |_     /\/
|        \ \      |              ___             |      ||       |
|__       \_)   __|             (___)            `-     \/      -'
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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