Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'eftipiti'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 L| he  quick  brown  fox  jumps  over  the  lazy  dog.

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
This font is (c) Michel Eftimakis 1995 -- Version 1.1 -- 15 feb 1995
 ____________________________________________________________   /`____ 
| Michel Eftimakis                  |     "Ascii-Artist"     '\/      |
|  |                  Boo)- (00)     ||
|   Tel : (33) 92 96 27 19          |                       (_`'_)    ||
|__ Fax : (33) 92 96 27 01 _________|____ FRANCE ___________ _!!_ ____||

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
 _    _    _    _    __   __   __       ()    ()
//\  [|}  ((   [|)  [|-  [|-  (|_; []-| []    ||
                     `-                      [_|

     ||    _ _  _    _    _    _    _        ____
[]/  L_]  //\/\[|\| (()  ||)  (()  [|)  ((    L|
  `                      L|     `    `  ''

     _ _  _ _ _     _ _  __
|U|  \\/  \\/\/\\/  \\/  //_
`-'            ''`  ''

0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9

a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j

k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t

u    v    w    x    y    z

..   ..   ..    ..   ..   ..   _
a    o    u    //\  (()  |U|  ||}
                         `-'  L|

     []   ,,        |    o/        ,
     ()        =||= S    /o   &

/     \   *    +    ,    -    .    /
`     '

          /         \          _
:    ;    \    =    /    ?    (a)

 _   \     _   ^                   |
|     \     |                 {    |    }    ~
|_         _|       ==             |
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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