Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'funface'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
          wWw  wWw\\\  ///               c  c
    wWw   (O)  (O)((O)(O))  wWw   /)     (OO)  wWw
    (O)_  / )  ( \ | \ ||   (O)_(o)(O) ,'.--.) (O)_
   .' __)/ /    \ \||\\||  .' __)//\\ / //_|_\.' __)
  (  _)  | \____/ ||| \ | (  _) |(__)|| \___ (  _)
   )/    '. `--' .`||  ||  )/   /,-. |'.    ) `.__)
  (        `-..-' (_/  \_)(    -'   ''  `-.'
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 (o)__(o)\\  //            .-.     wWw  wWw wW  Ww   c  c       _   _    ))       .-.    (O))  ((O)\\\  ///            .-.    wW    Ww      _  wWw  wWw\\\    /// ))     oo_        .-.   wWw    wWw      ))     (o)__(o)\\  //         W  W            _oo  wWw  wWw     _     .-.        \/  .
 (__  __)(o)(o)  wWw     c(O_O)c   (O)  (O) (O)(O)   (OO)(OO) .' ) /||_ (Oo)-.  c(O_O)c   ||    || ((O)(O))   wWw    c(O_O)c (O)\  /(O)   _||\ (O)  (O)((O)  (O))(o0)-. /  _)-<   c(O_O)c (O)    (O) wWw (Oo)-.  (__  __)(o)(o)  wWw   (O)(O)    /)  >-(_  \ (O)  (O)   _||\  c(O_O)c     (OO)
   (  )  ||  ||  (O)_   ,'.---.`,  / )  ( \  (..)  ,'.--.)||_/ .'   /`_) | (_)),'.---.`,  || /\ ||  | \ ||    (O)_  ,'.---.`, `. \/ .'   (_'\  / )  ( \ | \  / |  | (_))\__ `.   ,'.---.`,( \    / ) (O)_ | (_))   (  )  ||  ||  (O)_    ||    (o)(O)   / _/ ( \  / )  (_'\  ,'.---.`,  ,'.--.)
    )(   |(__)| .' __) / /|_|_|\ \/ /    \ \  ||  / //_|_\|   /    |  `. |  .'/ /|_|_|\ \ ||//\\||  ||\\||   .' __)/ /|_|_|\ \  \  /      (  |/ /    \ \||\\//||  | .-'    `. | / /|_|_|\ \\ \  / / .' __)|  .'     )(   |(__)| .' __)   | \    //\\   / /    \ \/ /   .'  |/ /|_|_|\ \/ /|_|_\
   (  )  /.--.\(  _)   | \___.--.|| \____/ | _||_ | \___  ||\ \    | (_)))|\\ | \_____/ | / /  \ \  || \ |  (  _)  | \_____/ |  /  \    (\_) || \____/ ||| \/ ||  |(       _| | | \_____/ |/  \/  \(  _)  )|\\     (  )  /.--.\(  _)     |  `. |(__)| / (      \o /   ((_) || \_____/ || \_.--.
    )/  -'    `-`.__)  '. `---\) \'. `--' .`(_/\_)'.    )(/\)\ `.  (.'-'(/  \)'. `---' .`( /    \ ) ||  ||   )/    '. `---' .`.' /\ `.   `-`.)'. `--' .`||    ||   \)   ,-'   | '. `---' .`\ `--' / `.__)(/  \)     )/  -'    `-`.__)   (.-.__)/,-. |(   `-.  _/ /     `-`.)'. `---' .`'.   \) \
   (                     `-...(_.'  `-..-'          `-.'      `._)  )    )      `-...-'   )      ( (_/  \_) (        `-...-' (_.'  `._)     (   `-..-' (_/    \_)  (   (_..--'    `-...-'   `-..-'        )        (                     `-'  -'   '' `--.._)(_.'         (   `-...-'    `-.(_.'

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Author : MJP
Date   : 2003/9/23 6:27:51
Version: 1.0

This font has been created using JavE's FIGlet font export assistant.
Have a look at:

Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
                 _           c  c         _                                  \/        \\  //      wW  Ww          _
    /)          /||_         (OO)       _||\       wWw          wWw         (OO)       (o)(o)      (O)(O)        _||\
  (o)(O)         /`_)      ,'.--.)     (_'\        (O)_         (O)_      ,'.--.)      ||  ||       (..)        (_'\
   //\\         |  `.     / //_|_\     .'  |      .' __)       .' __)    / /|_|_\      |(__)|        ||          (  |
  |(__)|        | (_))    | \___      ((_) |     (  _)        (  _)      | \_.--.      /.--.\       _||_       (\_) |
  /,-. |        (.'-'     '.    )      `-`.)      `.__)        )/        '.   \) \    -'    `-     (_/\_)       `-`.)
 -'   ''         )          `-.'          (                   (            `-.(_.'                                 (

         _    W  W       \\\    ///  \\\  ///       .-.        ))           .-.        ))          oo_       (o)__(o)
  (OO) .' )  (O)(O)      ((O)  (O))  ((O)(O))     c(O_O)c     (o0)-.      c(O_O)c     (Oo)-.      /  _)-<    (__  __)
   ||_/ .'     ||         | \  / |    | \ ||     ,'.---.`,     | (_))    ,'.---.`,     | (_))     \__ `.       (  )
   |   /       | \        ||\\//||    ||\\||    / /|_|_|\ \    | .-'    / /|_|_|\ \    |  .'         `. |       )(
   ||\ \       |  `.      || \/ ||    || \ |    | \_____/ |    |(       | \___.--.|    )|\\          _| |      (  )
  (/\)\ `.    (.-.__)     ||    ||    ||  ||    '. `---' .`     \)      '. `---\) \   (/  \)      ,-'   |       )/
       `._)    `-'       (_/    \_)  (_/  \_)     `-...-'       (         `-...(_.'    )         (_..--'       (

 wWw  wWw   wWw    wWw  (O))  ((O)   wW    Ww     wWw  wWw       _oo
 (O)  (O)   (O)    (O)   ||    ||   (O)\  /(O)    (O)  (O)    >-(_  \
 / )  ( \   ( \    / )   || /\ ||    `. \/ .'     ( \  / )       / _/
/ /    \ \   \ \  / /    ||//\\||      \  /        \ \/ /       / /
| \____/ |   /  \/  \    / /  \ \      /  \         \o /       / (
'. `--' .`   \ `--' /   ( /    \ )   .' /\ `.      _/ /       (   `-.
  `-..-'      `-..-'     )      (   (_.'  `._)    (_.'         `--.._)

0           1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9

                 _           c  c         _                                  \/        \\  //      wW  Ww          _
    /)          /||_         (OO)       _||\       wWw          wWw         (OO)       (o)(o)      (O)(O)        _||\
  (o)(O)         /`_)      ,'.--.)     (_'\        (O)_         (O)_      ,'.--.)      ||  ||       (..)        (_'\
   //\\         |  `.     / //_|_\     .'  |      .' __)       .' __)    / /|_|_\      |(__)|        ||          (  |
  |(__)|        | (_))    | \___      ((_) |     (  _)        (  _)      | \_.--.      /.--.\       _||_       (\_) |
  /,-. |        (.'-'     '.    )      `-`.)      `.__)        )/        '.   \) \    -'    `-     (_/\_)       `-`.)
 -'   ''         )          `-.'          (                   (            `-.(_.'                                 (

         _    W  W       \\\    ///  \\\  ///       .-.        ))           .-.        ))          oo_       (o)__(o)
  (OO) .' )  (O)(O)      ((O)  (O))  ((O)(O))     c(O_O)c     (o0)-.      c(O_O)c     (Oo)-.      /  _)-<    (__  __)
   ||_/ .'     ||         | \  / |    | \ ||     ,'.---.`,     | (_))    ,'.---.`,     | (_))     \__ `.       (  )
   |   /       | \        ||\\//||    ||\\||    / /|_|_|\ \    | .-'    / /|_|_|\ \    |  .'         `. |       )(
   ||\ \       |  `.      || \/ ||    || \ |    | \_____/ |    |(       | \___.--.|    )|\\          _| |      (  )
  (/\)\ `.    (.-.__)     ||    ||    ||  ||    '. `---' .`     \)      '. `---\) \   (/  \)      ,-'   |       )/
       `._)    `-'       (_/    \_)  (_/  \_)     `-...-'       (         `-...(_.'    )         (_..--'       (

 wWw  wWw   wWw    wWw  (O))  ((O)   wW    Ww     wWw  wWw       _oo
 (O)  (O)   (O)    (O)   ||    ||   (O)\  /(O)    (O)  (O)    >-(_  \
 / )  ( \   ( \    / )   || /\ ||    `. \/ .'     ( \  / )       / _/
/ /    \ \   \ \  / /    ||//\\||      \  /        \ \/ /       / /
| \____/ |   /  \/  \    / /  \ \      /  \         \o /       / (
'. `--' .`   \ `--' /   ( /    \ )   .' /\ `.      _/ /       (   `-.
  `-..-'      `-..-'     )      (   (_.'  `._)    (_.'         `--.._)

                .-.      wWw  wWw                   .-.      wWw  wWw   ß
    /)        c(O_O)c    (O)  (O)       /)        c(O_O)c    (O)  (O)
  (o)(O)     ,'.---.`,   / )  ( \     (o)(O)     ,'.---.`,   / )  ( \
   //\\     / /|_|_|\ \ / /    \ \     //\\     / /|_|_|\ \ / /    \ \
  |(__)|    | \_____/ | | \____/ |    |(__)|    | \_____/ | | \____/ |
  /,-. |    '. `---' .` '. `--' .`    /,-. |    '. `---' .` '. `--' .`
 -'   ''      `-...-'     `-..-'     -'   ''      `-...-'     `-..-'

            !           "                                   %           &           '

(           )           *           +           ,           -           .           /

:           ;           <           =           >           ?           @

[           \           ]           ^           _                       {           |           }           ~

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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