Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'horizontalleft'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
 _______   _______   _______   _     _   _     _   _______   _______   _          ______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _
\__   __\ /  ____ \ / ___  _| | |___| | | |  .` | /  ____ \ `._   __| | /_____  .`  _ ._| /______ \ /______ \ | ._ _. | |  _ ___| | /_____
 __| |__  | /___/ | | \_/  \  |  ___  | | |.`_. | | /___/ |  _`. `._  | ______/ \  \_||_        / |       / | | \ v / | | ||_\    | ______/
\_______\ \_______/ `.__.`\_| |_|   |_| |__.` |_| \_______/ |_______| |_\        `._____|       \_|       \_| |_/   \_| |_/       |_\

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 _         _______   _______      _______  ______    _     _   _______   _______     _______   _______   _______   _______   _______     _______   _______   _     _     _    __   ______    _______   _______        __     _______   _____     _______   _______     _         _______   _______     _______    ______   _     _   _           _______   _______   _______
| /_____  \__   __\ | ._ _. |    / ____  \/_____ `. | |___| | / _____ \ |_     _|   |       | / ___  _| /  ____ \ `._   __| `._   __|   |  _ ___| /  ____ \ \_'._.'_/   | /___\ \ /_____ `. `._   __| / ___ __|  .-. \  \   /  ____ \ `-.___ \  | ._ _. | / ___  _|   | /_____  \__   __\ | ._ _. |   /______ \ .`  _ ._| | |  .` | |_`.____    |  ___  | /  ____ \ / .---. \
| ______/  __| |__  | \ v / |    | \___\ | _____\ | |  ___  | | \   / | .`  _ `.    | o v o | | \_/  \  | /___/ |   _> >__   _`. `._    | ||_\    | /___/ |  _> _ <_    | ______/  _____\ |  _<  <__  | \_/ |   / _ \_\ |   | /___/ |  ____.` | | \ v / | | \_/  \    | ______/  __| |__  | \ v / |         / | \  \_||_  | |.`_. |  .` .___|   | '._.' | | /___/ | | \ .-`_/  _
|_\       \_______\ |_/   \_|    \_____\_(\______.` |_|   |_| \_/   \_/ |_.` `._|   '._.'._.' `.__.`\_| \_______/ .`______| |_______|   |_/       \_______/ /_.' '._\   |_\       \______.` /_______| `.___.`   |_\`.___/   \_______/ /______/  |_/   \_| `.__.`\_|   |_\       \_______\ |_/   \_|         \_|  `._____| |__.` |_| |_.`        '._____.' \_______/ \_/ |.`   (_)

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Author : LG Beard
Date   : 2006/7/3 23:58:25
Version: 1.0

This font has been created using JavE's FIGlet font export assistant.
Have a look at:

Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
  ______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _     _   _    __
.`  _ ._| |       | / _____ \ |  ___  | | ._ _. | |  _ ___| / .---. \ \__   __\ | |___| | | /___\ \
\  \_||_  | o v o | | \   / | | '._.' | | \ v / | | ||_\    | \ .-`_/  __| |__  |  ___  | | ______/
 `._____| '._.'._.' \_/   \_/ '._____.' |_/   \_| |_/       \_/ |.`   \_______\ |_|   |_| |_\

 _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______    _______  _______        __   _
|_     _| /______ \ `._   __| `._   __| /  ____ \ / ___ __|  / ____  \/ ___  _|  .-. \  \ | /_____
.`  _ `.        / |  _<  <__   _`. `._  | /___/ | | \_/ |    | \___\ || \_/  \  / _ \_\ | | ______/
|_.` `._|       \_| /_______| |_______| \_______/ `.___.`    \_____\_(`.__.`\_| |_\`.___/ |_\

 ______    _____     _______   _     _   _         _     _
/_____ `. `-.___ \  `._   __| \_'._.'_/ |_`.____  | |  .` |
 _____\ |  ____.` |   _> >__   _> _ <_   .` .___| | |.`_. |
\______.` /______/  .`______| /_.' '._\ |_.`      |__.` |_|

  _____    _     _   _    __   _     _     __      __    _   _______   _          __  __    __
.' ___ '. | /___\ | | /_.`_ | / \   \ \   /_ |    |  `._\ | |__ ___ \ / \       .'  ''  '..` _`.
| (___) | \______ | \   .'| | | //\_| |  //_||__  | |`.   /   | \_/ | | /_____  | ()  () || /_\|__
'._____.'       /_|  `-`  |_| \_______/ /__   __| |_|  '-'    `,___,` \ ______/ '.__..__.'\_______|

  ______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _     _   _    __
.`  _ ._| |       | / _____ \ |  ___  | | ._ _. | |  _ ___| / .---. \ \__   __\ | |___| | | /___\ \
\  \_||_  | o v o | | \   / | | '._.' | | \ v / | | ||_\    | \ .-`_/  __| |__  |  ___  | | ______/
 `._____| '._.'._.' \_/   \_/ '._____.' |_/   \_| |_/       \_/ |.`   \_______\ |_|   |_| |_\

 _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______    _______  _______        __   _
|_     _| /______ \ `._   __| `._   __| /  ____ \ / ___ __|  / ____  \/ ___  _|  .-. \  \ | /_____
.`  _ `.        / |  _<  <__   _`. `._  | /___/ | | \_/ |    | \___\ || \_/  \  / _ \_\ | | ______/
|_.` `._|       \_| /_______| |_______| \_______/ `.___.`    \_____\_(`.__.`\_| |_\`.___/ |_\

 ______    _____     _______   _     _   _         _     _
/_____ `. `-.___ \  `._   __| \_'._.'_/ |_`.____  | |  .` |
 _____\ |  ____.` |   _> >__   _> _ <_   .` .___| | |.`_. |
\______.` /______/  .`______| /_.' '._\ |_.`      |__.` |_|

  ______   _______   ______     ______   _______   ______   ß
.`  _ ._| /  ____ \ /_____ `. .`  _ ._| /  ____ \ /_____ `.
\  \_||_  | /___/ |  _____\ | \  \_||_  | /___/ |  _____\ |
 `._____| \_______/ \______.`  `._____| \_______/ \______.`

           _        "          _  _           _        _    &          _
          | |                 \ \\ \ _   _.-./ \   _  / /             |_|
          | |                 [\ \\ \_] [/ _ \ |] (_)/ /_
          | |                 [_\ \\ \]  |_\`._/    / /(_)
          (_)                    \_\\_\            /_/

  __       __       *            _                                        _
 / _|     |_ \                 _| |_               ____                  / /
/ /         \ \               |_   _|             [____]     _          / /
\ \_       _/ /                 |_|      _                  (_)        / /
 \__|     |__/                          )_/                           /_/

 _         _        <          ____     >            __     @
(_)       (_)                 [____]               .`__/
                               ____               /_'-.
 _         _                  [____]                |_|
(_)       )_/                                       (_)

 ___       _         ___        __                            ___      _          ___     ~
|  _|     \ \       |_  |      /  \                          |  _|    | |        |_  |
| |        \ \        | |     /_/\_\                         / |      | |          | \
| |_        \ \      _| |                                    \ |_     | |         _| /
|___|        \_\    |___|                ________            |___|    |_|        |___|
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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