Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'kontoslant'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
 /.´  /´/  /1 / ´/´  /´/  /´´  /  /1  /1 / ´/´
/´.  /./  / 1/  /   /./  ../  /. /´/ / 1/  /
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
´/´  / /  /.´    /´/ / /  / /`  /.´    /´1  /´/  /´/ /   /  /1 /    /´´  /´/  1/   ´´/ / /  /1/1  /´/  /´´    /´/ / /  /.´  /´/   ´/´  / /  /.´    /  /1 ´´/ L/    /`.  /´/  /´
/   /´/  /..    /.X  L/  /  L- /´.    /.I  /`.  /./  L/L/  / 1/    /´   /./  /1    L/  L/  /   1 /´´  ../    /./  1/  /..  /`.    /   /´/  /..    /. /´/ /.. /    /.-´ /./  /.T .

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Author : David Dahlberg <>
         Markus Gebhard
Date   : 2001/9/26 19:57:04
Version: 0.2
This font is not pure ASCII!

It is intended to work with the characters available
for adding comments to german bank statements.

Those characters are: A..Z 0..9 $%&/`*´+-,.?^

Font designed by:
  David Dahlberg <>
Converted to FLF by:  
  Markus Gebhard <>
This font has been created using Jave's FIGlet font export assistant 
(that will be included in Jave 2.0).

Have a look at:

Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
 /1    /´1  /`     /`.   /.´   /´´   /´    / /   /    ´´/
/´/   /.I   L-    /.-´  /..   /´    /.T   /´/   /     L/

 /.´   /     /1/1  /1 /  /´/   /´/   /´/   /´/   /´´  ´/´
/´.   /.    /   1 / 1/  /./   /´´   /.X   /`.   ../   /

/ /   / /   /   /  1/   L/    ´´/
L/    1/    L/L/  /1    /     /..

0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9

 /1    /´1  /`     /`.   /.´   /´´   /´    / /   /    ´´/
/´/   /.I   L-    /.-´  /..   /´    /.T   /´/   /     L/

 /.´   /     /1/1  /1 /  /´/   /´/   /´/   /´/   /´´  ´/´
/´.   /.    /   1 / 1/  /./   /´´   /.X   /`.   ../   /

/ /   / /   /   /  1/   L/    ´´/
L/    1/    L/L/  /1    /     /..

 /1    /´/  / /    /1    /´/  / /   ß
/´/   /./   L/    /´/   /./   L/

      !     "                 %     &     '

(     )     *     +           -           /
                        ,           .

:     ;     <     =     >     ?     @

[     \     ]     ^     _           {     |     }     ~

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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