Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'rammstein'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
  _____   ____    ____    __  ____    __  ______   __    ______  ____  ____   _
 |     | |    \  |    \  /  ||    \  /  ||   ___|_|  |_ |   ___||    ||    \ | |
 |     \ |     \ |     \/   ||     \/   | `-.`-.|_    _||   ___||    ||     \| |
 |__|\__\|__|\__\|__/\__/|__||__/\__/|__||______| |__|  |______||____||__/\____|

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 ___|__   |__  __   _  ______   _____   __   _  ____  ______  __  __   ______  _____   _____  __  __  __  ____   _   ______  _____  __ __     ____  __   _  ____    __  _____  ______   _____  __    _ ______  _____      __    __   _  ______   ____    ____    ______ __    _  _____   _____  ______
|_    _|     ||  |_| ||   ___| /     \ |  | | ||    ||   ___||  |/ /  |      >|     | /     \|  \/  \|  ||    \ | | |   ___|/     \ \ ` /    |    ||  | | ||    \  /  ||     ||   ___| /     \\  \  //|   ___||     |   _|  |_ |  |_| ||   ___| |    |  |    \  |___   |\ \  // |     \ /     \|   ___|
 |    |      ||   _  ||   ___| |     | |  |_| ||    ||   |__ |     \  |     < |     \ |     ||     /\   ||     \| | |   ___||     | /   \   _|    ||  |_| ||     \/   ||    _| `-.`-.  |     | \  \// |   ___||     \  |_    _||   _  ||   ___| |    |_ |     \  .-`.-`  \ \//  |      \|     ||   |  | _
 |____|    __||__| |_||______| \___/\_\|______||____||______||__|\__\ |______>|__|\__\\_____/|____/  \__||__/\____| |___|   \_____//__/\_\ |______||______||__/\__/|__||___|  |______| \_____/  \__/  |______||__|\__\   |__|  |__| |_||______| |______||__|\__\|______| /__/   |______/\_____/|______||_|

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Author : Bateau (lbm) 
Date   : 2005/2/4 10:36:48 
Version: 1.01 

This font has been created using JavE's FIGlet font export assistant. 
Have a look at: 
Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the 
modifier's name is placed on a comment line. 

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
     _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____           _____
  __|_    |__    __|___  |__    __|___  |__    __|__   |__    __|___  |__    __|___  |__    __|___  |__    __|  _  |__    __|_    |__     __|_    |__
 |    \      |  |      >    |  |   ___|    |  |     \     |  |   ___|    |  |   ___|    |  |   ___|    |  |  |_| |    |  |    |      |   |    |      |
 |     \     |  |     <     |  |   |__     |  |      \    |  |   ___|    |  |   ___|    |  |   |  |    |  |   _  |    |  |    |      |  _|    |      |
 |__|\__\  __|  |______>  __|  |______|  __|  |______/  __|  |______|  __|  |___|     __|  |______|  __|  |__| |_|  __|  |____|    __| |______|    __|
    |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|         |_____|

     _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____
  __| __  |__    __|_    |__   ___|    _|__   ___|   _ |__    __|__   |__    __|__   |__    __|__   |__    __|__   |__    __|___  |__   ___|__   |__
 |  |/ /     |  |    |      | |    \  /  | | |    \ | |   |  /     \     |  |     |     |  /     \     |  |     |     |  |   ___|    | |_    _|     |
 |     \     |  |    |_     | |     \/   | | |     \| |   |  |     |     |  |    _|     |  |     |     |  |     \     |   `-.`-.     |  |    |      |
 |__|\__\  __|  |______|  __| |__/\__/|__|_| |__/\____| __|  \_____/   __|  |___|     __|  \___/\_\  __|  |__|\__\  __|  |______|  __|  |____|    __|
    |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|

     _____          _____          _____          _____          _____          _____
  __|  _  |__    __|   _ |__   ___|__  _|__    __|__   |__   ___|  _  |__    __|___  |__
 |  | | |    |  \  \  //    | |  \/  \|  | |   \ ` /      |  \ \  //     |  |___   |    |
 |  |_| |    |  |\  \//     | |     /\   | |   /   \      |  |\ \//      |   .-`.-`     |
 |______|  __|  |_\__/    __| |____/  \__|_|  /__/\_\   __|  |/__/     __|  |______|  __|
    |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|        |_____|

  _____          _____          ______         ______         __   _         ______          ____          ______         _____          ______
 /     |        |_    |        |____  |       |___   |       |  | | |       |  ____|        /   /_        |___   |       <  -  >        |   _  |
 |  /  |         |    |        |    --|       |___   |       |  |_| |       |___   \       |   _  |         /   /        /  _  \        |____  |
 |_____/         |____|        |______|       |______|       '----__|       |______/       |______|        |___|         \_____/            |__|

  ____           ______         ______         _____          ______         ______         ______         __   _         ____             ____
 |    \         |      >       |   ___|       |     \        |   ___|       |   ___|       |   ___|       |  |_| |       |    |           |    |
 |     \        |     <        |   |__        |      \       |   ___|       |   ___|       |   |  |       |   _  |       |    |          _|    |
 |__|\__\       |______>       |______|       |______/       |______|       |___|          |______|       |__| |_|       |____|         |______|

  __  __         ____           ____    __     ____   _       _____          _____          _____          _____          ______           __
 |  |/ /        |    |         |    \  /  |   |    \ | |     /     \        |     |        /     \        |     |        |   ___|        _|  |_
 |     \        |    |_        |     \/   |   |     \| |     |     |        |    _|        |     |        |     \         `-.`-.        |_    _|
 |__|\__\       |______|       |__/\__/|__|   |__/\____|     \_____/        |___|          \___/\_\       |__|\__\       |______|         |__|

  __   _         __    _        __  __  __     __ __         __    _         ______
 |  | | |       \  \  //       |  \/  \|  |    \ ` /         \ \  //        |___   |
 |  |_| |        \  \//        |     /\   |    /   \          \ \//          .-`.-`
 |______|         \__/         |____/  \__|   /__/\_\         /__/          |______|

                                                  _____          _____          _____     ß
  ____           _____          __   _         __|_    |__    __|__   |__    __|  _  |__
 |    \         /     \        |  | | |       |    \      |  /     \     |  |  | | |    |
 |     \        |     |        |  |_| |       |     \     |  |     |     |  |  |_| |    |
 |__|\__\       \_____/        |______|       |__|\__\  __|  \_____/   __|  |______|  __|
                                                 |_____|        |_____|        |_____|

                               ____                                        %              &                _
                 ___           \_\_|                                                                       |_|
                |   |

   __            __           *                                                                              _
  | _|          |_ |                            _                                                           / |
 | |              | |                          | |                           ___                           / /
 | |              | |                         |   |           __            |___|           _             |_/
 | |_            _| |                          |_|           /_/                           |_|
  |__|          |__|

                                                                           ?              @
  _              _              __             ___           __
 |_|            |_|            / /            |___|          \ \
  _              __            \ \             ___            \ \
 |_|            /_/             \_\           |___|           /_/

  __             _              __           ^                                               __            _              __           ~
 | _|           | \            |_ |                                                         | _|          | |            |_ |
 | |             \ \            | |                                                         | |           | |             | |
 | |              \_\           | |                                                        < <            | |              > >
 | |                            | |                           ___                           | |           | |             | |
 |__|                          |__|                          |___|                          |__|          |_|            |__|

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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