Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'spliff'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
 _____  _____  ____   ___  _____  _____
/  ___>/  _  \/  _/  /___\/   __\/   __\
|___  ||   __/|  |---|   ||   __||   __|
<_____/\__/   \_____/\___/\__/   \__/

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 ____  __ __  _____    _____  __ __  ___  _____  __ ___   _____  _____  _____  __  __  _____    _____  _____  __  __     ____  __ __  __  __  _____  _____    _____  __ __  _____  _____    ____  __ __  _____    ____   _____  _____ ___ ___   _____  _____  _____
/    \/  |  \/   __\  /  _  \/  |  \/___\/     \|  |  /  /  _  \/  _  \/  _  \/   /  \/  _  \  /   __\/  _  \/  \/  \    \_  \/  |  \/  \/  \/  _  \/  ___>  /  _  \/  |  \/   __\/  _  \  /    \/  |  \/   __\  /  _/  /  _  \|__   /\  |  /  |  _  \/  _  \/   __\
\-  -/|  _  ||   __|  |  |  ||  |  ||   ||  |--||  _ <   |  _  <|  _  <|  |  ||  /\  ||  |  |  |   __||  |  |>-    -<  ---|  ||  |  ||  \/  ||   __/|___  |  |  |  |\  |  /|   __||  _  <  \-  -/|  _  ||   __|  |  |---|  _  | /  _/  |   |   |  |  ||  |  ||  |_ | _
 |__| \__|__/\_____/  \___\ \\_____/\___/\_____/|__|__\  \_____/\__|\_/\_____/\__/\__/\__|__/  \__/   \_____/\__/\__/  \_____/\_____/\__ \__/\__/   <_____/  \_____/ \___/ \_____/\__|\_/   |__| \__|__/\_____/  \_____/\__|__//_____| \___/   |_____/\_____/\_____/<_>

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
 _____  _____  ____   ___  _____  _____
/  ___>/  __ \/  _/  /___\/   __\/   __\
|___  ||   __||  |---|   ||   __||   __|
<_____/\__/   \_____/\___/\__/   \__/

#-> spliff : by nathan bloomfield (
#-> based on the letters a,i,j,m,n,r,u, seen on the web, by E.DUB
#-> History:
#->   5-3-2008  : version 1.1
#->               Added umlauts (to make the file valid) and small letters ~Markus Gebhard
#->   5-10-2007 : version 1.0
#-> You are free to make changes- just note them in the history.
#-> (end comments)

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
 _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    __ __    ___       ____
/  _  \  /  _  \  /     \  |  _  \  /   __\  /   __\  /   __\  /  |  \  /___\      \_  \
|  _  |  |  _  <  |  |--|  |  |  |  |   __|  |   __|  |  |_ |  |  _  |  |   |    ---|  |
\__|__/  \_____/  \_____/  |_____/  \_____/  \__/     \_____/  \__|__/  \___/    \_____/

 __ ___   ____     __  __   _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    ____
|  |  /  /  _/    /  \/  \ /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  ___>  /    \
|  _ <   |  |---  |  \/  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |   __/  |  |  |  |  _  <  |___  |  \-  -/
|__|__\  \_____/  \__ \__/ \__|__/  \_____/  \__/     \___\ \  \__|\_/  <_____/   |__|

 __ __    __ __    __  __   __  __  ___ ___   _____
/  |  \  /  |  \  /   /  \ /  \/  \ \  |  /  |__   /
|  |  |  \  |  /  |  /\  | >-    -<  |   |    /  _/
\_____/   \___/   \__/\__/ \__/\__/  \___/   /_____|

 _____    ___      _____    _____    __ __    _____    ____     _____    _____    _____
/  _  \  /   |    <___  \  /  _  \  /  |  \  |  ___|  /  __|   <__   \  /  _  \  /  _  \
|  |  |   |  |     /  __/  >-<_  <  \_    |  |___  \  |  _  \    /   /  >  _  <  \___  |
\_____/  <____>   <_____|  \_____/    \___/  <_____/  \_____/   <___/   \_____/  |_____/

 _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    __ __    ___       ____
/  _  \  /  _  \  /     \  |  _  \  /   __\  /   __\  /   __\  /  |  \  /___\      \_  \
|  _  |  |  _  <  |  |--|  |  |  |  |   __|  |   __|  |  |_ |  |  _  |  |   |    ---|  |
\__|__/  \_____/  \_____/  |_____/  \_____/  \__/     \_____/  \__|__/  \___/    \_____/

 __ ___   ____     __  __   _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    ____
|  |  /  /  _/    /  \/  \ /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  ___>  /    \
|  _ <   |  |---  |  \/  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |   __/  |  |  |  |  _  <  |___  |  \-  -/
|__|__\  \_____/  \__ \__/ \__|__/  \_____/  \__/     \___\ \  \__|\_/  <_____/   |__|

 __ __    __ __    __  __   __  __  ___ ___   _____
/  |  \  /  |  \  /   /  \ /  \/  \ \  |  /  |__   /
|  |  |  \  |  /  |  /\  | >-    -<  |   |    /  _/
\_____/   \___/   \__/\__/ \__/\__/  \___/   /_____|

/_\_/_\  /_\_/_\  /_\ /_\  /_\_/_\  /_\_/_\  /_\ /_\  ß
/  _  \  /  _  \  /  |  \  /  _  \  /  _  \  /  |  \
|  _  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  _  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
\__|__/  \_____/  \_____/  \__|__/  \_____/  \_____/

          ___      _ _        _ _    _/_/     _  __    ___      _
         /   \    | | |     _| |_|_ / __>    <_>/ /   < _ >    < >
         \___/    \_|_/    |_|_|___|\__ \      / /_   / _ \/   |/
         <___>             |___| |_|<___/     /_/<_>  \__\ \
                             |_|_|  /_/                    /

 ___     ___      __A__       _                                   ___
/  /     \  \     \   /     _| |_             ___                /  /
| |       | |     /_ _\    |_   _|   _       <___>     _        /  /
\__\     /__/       V        |_|    < >               <_>      /__/

 _        _         ___             ___       _____    _____
<_>      <_>       /  /     ___     \  \     <___  \  /  __ \
 _        _       <  <     <___>     >  >      |__ /  | |___|
<_>      < >       \__\    <___>    /__/      <___>   \_____/

 ___     ___       ___       __                         ___     _       ___        _  _
|  _|    \  \     |_  |     /  \                       |  /    | |      \  |      / \/ >
| |_      \  \     _| |    /_/\_\                     <  |     | |       |  >    <_/\_/
|___|      \__\   |___|              ____              |__\    |_|      /__|
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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