Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'test1'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
 _________  __________ __________ _________
/__     __\/   /_____//_________//__     __\
    `B'     `BBBBBBBB'`BBBBBBBB'     `B'
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
 _________  ____ ____ __________  _________ _____ ________________________ ___  _____  _________ _________ _________ _________ ___    __   __________ _____________   ____ _______________ ________   ___ _________  __________  _________ ___   ___ __________ _________   _________  ____ ____ __________  ____        _______  ______________   ____  _________ _________ __________
/__     __\/   /_\   Y   /_____/ /    O___ \\   / \   /\__/ \__/   /_____/|   |/____/ |     o   )    _o___)    O    Y   \ /   \   \  |  | /   /_____//    O    \   \_/   / \____/ \__|   / \   /   \ /   |    _o___)/_________/ /    O    Y   \ /   Y   /_____/|    _o___) /__     __\/   /_\   Y   /_____/ /   /_____  /   O   \ \_________|___\_/___/ |     O   Y    O    Y   /_____/
`%%|___|%%'\___\%/___|___\%%%%%' \_____\  \//___\_/___\_`%\_/%'\___\%%%%%'|___|\____\ |_____O___)___|\____\_________|____|____/____\_|__| \___\%%%%%'\_________/___/%\___\ _`%%%\_/%'/___\_/___\____|____|___|%%%%%'`%%%%%%%%%/ \_________|___/_\___|___\%%%%%'|___|\____\ `%%|___|%%'\___\%/___|___\%%%%%' \___\_____\/___/%\___\.%%%%%%%%%%%%%/_\%%%  |_________|_________|___\%%%%.]

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Author : 
Date   : 2001/8/8 16:32:39
Version: 1.0

This font has been created using Jave's FIGlet font export assistant.
Have a look at:

Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
  _______   _________  __________ _________  __________ __________ __________ ____ ____  _________ ___________
 /   O   \ |     o   )/   /_____/|     O   \/   /_____//   /_____//   /_____//   /_\   \ \__/ \__/ \____/ \__/
/___/%\___\|_____O___)\___\%%%%%'|_________/\___\%%%%%'\___\%%%%%'\___\%%%%.]\___\%/___/ _`%\_/%'_ _`%%%\_/%'

 ___  _____ ____       ___   ___  ___    __  _________  _________  _________  _________  __________ _________
|   |/____//   /_____ |   \ /   ||   \  |  |/    O    \|    _o___)/    O___ \|    _o___)/_________//__     __\
|___|\____\\___\_____\|____|____||____\_|__|\_________/|___|%%%%%'\_____\  \/|___|\____\`%%%%%%%%%/`%%|___|%%'

_____ _____ ___   ___  _________ ____   ________   _______________
\   / \   //   \ /   \/   \ /   \\   \_/   /\___\_/___/\_________/
/___\_/___\\___/_\___/\____|____//___/%\___\ %%%/_\%%% .%%%%%%%%%%

  _______   _________  __________ _________  __________ __________ __________ ____ ____  _________ ___________
 /   O   \ |     o   )/   /_____/|     O   \/   /_____//   /_____//   /_____//   /_\   \ \__/ \__/ \____/ \__/
/___/%\___\|_____O___)\___\%%%%%'|_________/\___\%%%%%'\___\%%%%%'\___\%%%%.]\___\%/___/ _`%\_/%'_ _`%%%\_/%'

 ___  _____ ____       ___   ___  ___    __  _________  _________  _________  _________  __________ _________
|   |/____//   /_____ |   \ /   ||   \  |  |/    O    \|    _o___)/    O___ \|    _o___)/_________//__     __\
|___|\____\\___\_____\|____|____||____\_|__|\_________/|___|%%%%%'\_____\  \/|___|\____\`%%%%%%%%%/`%%|___|%%'

_____ _____ ___   ___  _________ ____   ________   _______________
\   / \   //   \ /   \/   \ /   \\   \_/   /\___\_/___/\_________/
/___\_/___\\___/_\___/\____|____//___/%\___\ %%%/_\%%% .%%%%%%%%%%

  _______   _________ _____ _____  _______   _________ _____ _____
 /   O   \ /    O    \\   / \   / /   O   \ /    O    \\   / \   /

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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