Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'whimsy'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
                d8b        d8,
                ?88       `8P
 ?88   d8P  d8P  888888b   88b  88bd8b,d88b  .d888b,?88   d8P
 d88  d8P' d8P'  88P `?8b  88P  88P'`?8P'?8b ?8b,   d88   88
 ?8b ,88b ,88'  d88   88P d88  d88  d88  88P   `?8b ?8(  d88
 `?888P'888P'  d88'   88bd88' d88' d88'  88b`?888P' `?88P'?8b
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
         d8b                                      d8,        d8b            d8b                                                       ,d8888b                        d8,                                                                                            d8b                  d8b                                       d8b
   d8P   ?88                                     `8P         ?88            ?88                                                       88P'                          `8P                                                                                       d8P   ?88                  88P                                       88P
d888888P  88b                                                 88b            88b                                                   d888888P                                                                                                                d888888P  88b                d88                                       d88
  ?88'    888888b  d8888b    .d88b,.88P?88   d8P  88b d8888b  888  d88'      888888b   88bd88b d8888b  ?88   d8P  d8P  88bd88b       ?88'     d8888b ?88,  88P      d88  ?88   d8P  88bd8b,d88b ?88,.d88b, .d888b,     d8888b ?88   d8P d8888b  88bd88b      ?88'    888888b  d8888b    888   d888b8b  d88888P ?88   d8P      d888888   d8888b  d888b8b
  88P     88P `?8bd8b_,dP    88P  `88P'd88   88   88Pd8P' `P  888bd8P'       88P `?8b  88P'  `d8P' ?88 d88  d8P' d8P'  88P' ?8b      88P     d8P' ?88 `?8bd8P'      ?88  d88   88   88P'`?8P'?8b`?88'  ?88 ?8b,       d8P' ?88d88  d8P'd8b_,dP  88P'  `      88P     88P `?8bd8b_,dP    ?88  d8P' ?88     d8P' d88   88      d8P' ?88  d8P' ?88d8P' ?88
  88b    d88   88P88b        ?8b  d88  ?8(  d88  d88 88b     d88888b        d88,  d88 d88     88b  d88 ?8b ,88b ,88'  d88   88P     d88      88b  d88 d8P?8b,        88b ?8(  d88  d88  d88  88P  88b  d8P   `?8b     88b  d88?8b ,88' 88b     d88           88b    d88   88P88b         88b 88b  ,88b  d8P'   ?8(  d88      88b  ,88b 88b  d8888b  ,88b
  `?8b  d88'   88b`?888P'    `?888888  `?88P'?8bd88' `?888P'd88' `?88b,    d88'`?88P'd88'     `?8888P' `?888P'888P'  d88'   88b    d88'      `?8888P'd8P' `?8b       `88b`?88P'?8bd88' d88'  88b  888888P'`?888P'     `?8888P'`?888P'  `?888P'd88'           `?8b  d88'   88b`?888P'      88b`?88P'`88bd88888P'`?88P'?8b     `?88P'`88b`?8888P'`?88P'`88b
                                 `?88                                                                                                                                 )88                         88P'                                                                                                                )88                             )88
                                   88b                                                                                                                               ,88P                        d88                                                                                                                 ,d8P                            ,88P
                                   ?8P                                                                                                                            `?888P                         ?8P                                                                                                              `?888P'                        `?8888P

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
whimsy.flf (FIGlet font)
Figlet conversion by Kent Nassen,

From: (The Mouse)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: FONT: whimsy
Date: 23 Nov 1994 22:45:31 GMT
Organization: NWNEXUS, Inc. - We Make Internet Easy
Lines: 56
Message-ID: <3b0gmb$>

here's something i diddled up while wasting time at work..
if anyone wants to do something like figletize it (because i have no idea
how) feel free.

i call it whimsy-- please keep the name, if you do turn it into a figlet
font. :)

-the mouse

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
                d8b                                d8b                        ,d8888b                     d8b             d8,             d8,
                ?88                                88P                        88P'                        ?88            `8P             `8P
                 88b                              d88                      d888888P                        88b
 d888b8b         888888b       d8888b         d888888        d8888b          ?88'          d888b8b         888888b        88b            d88
d8P' ?88         88P `?8b     d8P' `P        d8P' ?88       d8b_,dP          88P          d8P' ?88         88P `?8b       88P            ?88
88b  ,88b       d88,  d88     88b            88b  ,88b      88b             d88           88b  ,88b       d88   88P      d88              88b
`?88P'`88b     d88'`?88P'     `?888P'        `?88P'`88b     `?888P'        d88'           `?88P'`88b     d88'   88b     d88'              `88b
                                                                                                 )88                                       )88
                                                                                                ,88P                                      ,88P
                                                                                            `?8888P                                    `?888P

 d8b            d8b
 ?88            88P                                                                                                                       d8P
  88b          d88                                                                                                                     d888888P
  888  d88'    888              88bd8b,d88b    88bd88b       d8888b        ?88,.d88b,     .d88b,.88P       88bd88b       .d888b,         ?88'
  888bd8P'     ?88              88P'`?8P'?8b   88P' ?8b     d8P' ?88       `?88'  ?88     88P  `88P'       88P'  `       ?8b,            88P
 d88888b        88b            d88  d88  88P  d88   88P     88b  d88         88b  d8P     ?8b  d88        d88              `?8b          88b
d88' `?88b,      88b          d88' d88'  88b d88'   88b     `?8888P'         888888P'     `?888888       d88'           `?888P'          `?8b
                                                                             88P'             `?88
                                                                            d88                 88b
                                                                            ?8P                 ?8P

?88   d8P      ?88   d8P       ?88   d8P  d8P?88,  88P      ?88   d8P      d88888P
d88   88       d88  d8P'       d88  d8P' d8P' `?8bd8P'      d88   88          d8P'
?8(  d88       ?8b ,88'        ?8b ,88b ,88'  d8P?8b,       ?8(  d88        d8P'
`?88P'?8b      `?888P'         `?888P'888P'  d8P' `?8b      `?88P'?8b      d88888P'

                d8b                                d8b                        ,d8888b                     d8b             d8,             d8,
                ?88                                88P                        88P'                        ?88            `8P             `8P
                 88b                              d88                      d888888P                        88b
 d888b8b         888888b       d8888b         d888888        d8888b          ?88'          d888b8b         888888b        88b            d88
d8P' ?88         88P `?8b     d8P' `P        d8P' ?88       d8b_,dP          88P          d8P' ?88         88P `?8b       88P            ?88
88b  ,88b       d88,  d88     88b            88b  ,88b      88b             d88           88b  ,88b       d88   88P      d88              88b
`?88P'`88b     d88'`?88P'     `?888P'        `?88P'`88b     `?888P'        d88'           `?88P'`88b     d88'   88b     d88'              `88b
                                                                                                 )88                                       )88
                                                                                                ,88P                                      ,88P
                                                                                            `?8888P                                    `?888P

 d8b            d8b
 ?88            88P                                                                                                                       d8P
  88b          d88                                                                                                                     d888888P
  888  d88'    888              88bd8b,d88b    88bd88b       d8888b        ?88,.d88b,     .d88b,.88P       88bd88b       .d888b,         ?88'
  888bd8P'     ?88              88P'`?8P'?8b   88P' ?8b     d8P' ?88       `?88'  ?88     88P  `88P'       88P'  `       ?8b,            88P
 d88888b        88b            d88  d88  88P  d88   88P     88b  d88         88b  d8P     ?8b  d88        d88              `?8b          88b
d88' `?88b,      88b          d88' d88'  88b d88'   88b     `?8888P'         888888P'     `?888888       d88'           `?888P'          `?8b
                                                                             88P'             `?88
                                                                            d88                 88b
                                                                            ?8P                 ?8P

?88   d8P      ?88   d8P       ?88   d8P  d8P?88,  88P      ?88   d8P      d88888P
d88   88       d88  d8P'       d88  d8P' d8P' `?8bd8P'      d88   88          d8P'
?8(  d88       ?8b ,88'        ?8b ,88b ,88'  d8P?8b,       ?8(  d88        d8P'
`?88P'?8b      `?888P'         `?888P'888P'  d8P' `?8b      `?88P'?8b      d88888P'

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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