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Image 2 ASCII
Competition 2001
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Contributions to the competition

Index for all contributions.

Image 5:

Image ID:5
Size 1:50
Size 2:75
DownloadAs JPG
submitted image

Categroy A (Just by using a conversion algorithm and the options provided by it):

Submission ID: 1
Date:Friday, June 22, 2001
Author:James Mitchelhill
Tools: asciiizer (development version)
Comments: asciiizer is a program I wrote in python using the Python Imaging Library.
It will be released shortly, when my code is at all documented
and the interface isn't quite so dumb.

I'm quite pleased with how this one came out.

Categroy B (Conversion algorithm and refinements of the ASCII result by hand):

There are not yet any submissions for this image and category.

Categroy C (just-with-my-hands-and-keyboard):

There are not yet any submissions for this image and category.

Categroy D (No limitations: Any software, any tricks, any image preparations and refinements):

There are not yet any submissions for this image and category.

Categroy E (Colored ASCII):

There are not yet any submissions for this image and category.

Index for all contributions.
For more informations about the competition go back to the main page.
Author: Markus Gebhard
last modified: 19th May 2001