Feel free to send me any kind of comments, questions, bug reports, ideas, ...
Comments from Users
Chrischi |
Thursday 1 January 2004
Hallo Markus :-)
Jemand, der so was entwickelt, dem muss man ein ...
Gutes neues Jahr... w�nschen.
Sch�n :-) |
Venom |
Sunday 21 December 2003
Well just a program that i need:)) 10x |
sravani |
Thursday 18 December 2003
Thank you It is good |
josaff |
Thursday 18 December 2003
Thank a's nice |
henry |
Friday 21 November 2003
^ ^ _---/''/;,,,;/''/-----\(�_�)/--> / /\ \ / /_/ \( ) /,,,/ /,,,/
ne katze mit vogel ihr banausen ^^ sowas mal ich dauernd
ich hab mir das jave mal downgeloaded obwohl ich net mal weiss was es bringt :D find ich voll cool das es leute gibt die mit buchstaben zeichnen
nummer 2 |
Sunday 16 November 2003
dein programm ist die bombe, ich kenne nichts vergleichbares ;) eines der wenigen, sehr n�tzlichen programme, die auf nahezu jeder plattform laufen.
impressing! |
mmmmmm |
Sunday 26 October 2003
How are you~? |
cPOEt |
Sunday 26 October 2003
Hey wow...Seit ich zum erstenmal jave2.0 ausprobiert habe hat sich ja viel ver�ndert. Jave ist echt genial! Bin echt froh �ber diese Programm weil man u. A. soviele Leute damit beeindrucken kann ;)
liebs Gr�essli cPOEt |
martin |
Tuesday 14 October 2003
Das hier ist der absolute Wahnsinn. Dan-K�! |
JC |
Tuesday 7 October 2003
Hi! It's a great tool to make maps for jump'n run games too!!! I only use JavE for that, because a. I don't have to type my multidimensional arrays by hand and b. I don't have to code a leveleditor :D It all comes with JavE :) |
e-poetry |
Sunday 5 October 2003
Hi, Markus. I' m from Greece and I'm net artist. Jave is an extraordinary tool. I use it as a tool for hypeliterature ascii poetry. Unfortunately I can't write greek with it. Perhaps I just don't know how to do it. It's a great job. We hope to see the next version soon. |
Markus Gebhard |
Saterday 16 August 2003
Have a look at the FAQ/ Ein Blick ins FAQ d�rfte helfen |
Mowgli |
Saterday 16 August 2003
Tolles Programm nur ich kanns leider nicht �ffnen ich weiss auch nicht wie ich das unter winxp mache. Geht das per WinRar odr was?Bitte Feedback THX JavE ruuuult! |
Ewa J. |
Saterday 2 August 2003
It's great! Tyvm |
Mackadoo |
Thursday 31 July 2003
Very nice work on the script. I just found this site after searching for some converters, and this is best one i have seen for making original ASCII art. Although, I would suggest you try to make it more public, who knows, you could get paid for this one day. ;) |
dusty |
Thursday 24 July 2003
nice site! if u need a break after programming go to and download our mp3's. of course its free. u also can design your own cover online. greetings andreas
sun glasses |
Friday 18 July 2003
+lol+ |
Markus Gebhard |
Sunday 13 July 2003
Seems to be one of the many bugs in JRE1.3.1 I recommend upgrading to a more current version of the Java Runtime Environment. Version 1.4.1 has much less bugs and even is a bit faster. It can be downloaded from |
naren |
Sunday 13 July 2003
A fatal exception OE as occured at 0028:C0273556 in VXD VWIN32(04) + 00001732. the above mentioned error occurs randomly whenever i close jave4( i am using windows95B and jre2 1.3.1.
pls help |
RedBull |
Thursday 10 July 2003
just one word: awesome |
Markus Gebhard |
Tuesday 8 July 2003
Hi Misha, Have you read the faq at ? It contains some information about installation problems. If that does not help just send me a note and tell me what you've tried and what happened or happened not. Markus |
misha |
Tuesday 8 July 2003
i can not get this program to work ,I have xp and nothing will open. Can u tell me what i need to do. thank you |
Kotenze |
Sunday 6 July 2003
COOL !! JavE rockt! |
Rolf K�rner |
Tuesday 1 July 2003
Funktioniert prima unter OS/2! JAVA ist Cool |
michael |
Monday 26 Mei 2003
hey man. a great tool. i don't know where to start, i wanna do many things with it. thanks |
Phydeaux |
Thursday 22 Mei 2003
Just noticed the guestbook... I was always a quick one :) Awesome tool, I have several projects in mind for it... Muaaahahahahah!!! The movie editor is great, too. Thanks for an excellent hobby-feeder! |
Revned |
Saterday 26 April 2003
This program is awesome! I have always wanted to be able to make nice curves with ASCII, but it never worked right. This makes it so much easier. The added features, like the games and the 3d model viewer, just add to the greatness. This program is perfect for anything to do with ASCII! |
Bochum |
Saterday 19 April 2003
Very cool application. It makes my ICQ messages nicer! Thank you! |
Some Guy |
Tuesday 18 February 2003
Man this is some COOL IDEA!!!!!! I'm gonna try to do it in C++ if I can but the clicking things are too crap! |
Mike |
Tuesday 18 February 2003
it wont download right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |
FireChicken |
Friday 14 February 2003
Greeeeeat program! You should add C# and QBasic comment support. for QBasic comments, put ' before it. I have no Idea about C# though. o) |
gadzilla |
Thursday 30 January 2003
super tool!!!!!!!
eriz |
Wednesday 29 January 2003
just great! |
Virik |
Wednesday 18 September 2002
Awsome work man, I have to give it to you! This is like one of the best proggys I have ever used to do AsciiArt!
Could you send me an e-mail when there is a Update for color ?? *grins*
Thanks a bunch! |
cb0wman |
Wednesday 18 September 2002
JavE ist sehr gut!!!! Its an excellent way to pass teh time while monitoring my labs.... You Rock! |
jeff |
Monday 2 September 2002
JavE r0x my world!!! _,,,iiiiiii:ii____8ii==.b ,.=d88888888888888888888888b_i_._ ,=;,d88888888888888888888888888888b__._ ,d88888888888888888888888888888888888888b_. ,d888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b_. __d8888888888888888888888888888888888888b88888888b. ,d8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b`. ,_d8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b_\ .d88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b'. ,d8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b'. |d888888d88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b| |8888888r8d8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b| |8888P88e8888888888888888b88888888888888888888888888888888888888| '8888d88v8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888| |8888888e8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888| ,'8888888l8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888| |d8888888e82002888888888888-'Y88888888888888888888888888888888888| ` |888888888888888PY88888P/ Y88888888888888888888888888888888| |888888888888P/ \Y88P ' Y888888888888888888888888b8888' |8888d88888P_/ "-.-' ``--.Y8888888888| |888888888-' `.Y8888888| |Y8888888' `.Y88888| _`-Y888P.' 88888 | -. ..'.' Y888P. | `. | ---=. | <b __.-''''''''-._ _,.......___ _.-' \ | |`. ,/' /----- . `......._.Y''_,...._ '`'"._o'_,-''| | ,.| `.|| `\_____,P | \ || | | | ,' | `. | | \ | | || `"---'' .| | | | | | `b ,' | || / |. ,' ` '--+ ' b_ _,,' / |`. _/ , | ,' \ | `'''''' / \ `-.........Y'' ,'./ , | | / \ | _/ \ | | \ | ,' \ | ,| | | | \.|. `._ ,' | | | '``---'' ,.._| | | \ -o.____ | \ `o_ '''''''''::' | \ "-..___,.-'' | _.....,. / ,' \_ /' / ._ ,' Y \ ,'`.. | `. ,' \.._ | `._ ,-' `-.._ | `._ _Y' ``-..b_ | ``-..............' | | | `...............................................................;;....,|
l0dy |
Tuesday 13 August 2002
Hi Markus, vielen Dank f�r Dein cooles Tool. Zwar habe ich leider nicht die k�nstlerischen F�higkeiten, aber nichtsdestotrotz finde ich es absolut bewundernswert, was Du f�r die 45(ii-Kunst tust. Bitte weiterso machen! Nochmals VIELEN DANK. |
David Palmer |
Monday 5 August 2002
Thanks for a great tool Markus. JaVE certainly makes creation of ascii art faster which is good for me as I frequently change my mind halfway through a picture. I have been gradually using JaVE more and more and using Notepad less and less. One thing I still find easier in Notepad is to copy and paste a large number of lines incresing the length of the document without overwriting. Maybe you could add this to the wish list from other users? :) |
Helloween |
Tuesday 30 July 2002
Unbelievable!!! This program is excellent. I've been looking for an ascii editor for 1 week. Finally I've found the best one. Thank you very much for this freeware tool... |
G. Ross |
Wednesday 24 July 2002
It's very nice! Thanks for the Mac OS X version too, works great. |
Jan |
Thursday 18 July 2002
Wow ! Hab' mir mal ein paar Kritiken durchgelesen und Bilder angeschaut - cool ! Lade mir grade das Programm runter... bin jetzt echt mal gespannt. Falls ich irgendetwas hinbekomme, was mir gef�llt, bekommst Du auch Deine Postkarte ;-P
MfG Jan |
Inachu |
Friday 21 June 2002
Wherec an I find one for color???????????? I want color ASCII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Maciej Bednarz |
Sunday 16 June 2002
schaut Euch auch mal meine Ascii Umsetzung in PHP als Frontend an :
Maciej |
Markus Gebhard |
Saterday 15 June 2002
@All: Thanks for your comments! I am checking back daily to see if there are any new ones :) I also love all your ascii art images!!
@Bastian: Vielen Dank fuer die Movies! Sie werden veroeffentlich, sobald ich mal Zeit dazu habe. Nachdem Du so hervorragend mit dem Programm umgehen kannst, scheint das mit dem Englisch ja nicht sooo schlimm zu sein. Ich will halt moeglichst viele Leute ansprechen und habe halt viel zu wenig Zeit, auch noch eine deutsche Version der Homepage anzubieten :-( |
Bastian |
Saterday 15 June 2002
Hallo Markus supergeiles Programm. Aber warum ist deine Homepage auf Englisch. Ich verstehe einige Sachen nicht. Bin erst 13. Aber ein supertolles Programm. Habe dir 4 JavE - Movies geschickt. Ich hoffe du ver�ffentlichst sie. : ;; / | / | .' : .-' ' _.-' / .-*" / _ .-' .' _.-*?' .' .' .-" .' __ .' , .-' .-+. .' _.-*".' / \ .-' _.--**""**-. .-' _.y-:-" .' : `+. .*""*. `. :-. -. \ .' ; .--*""*--. / __ ` _.--. \ |$| -.` -.;/ _.-+. : .' :*" "*..*" y`-' $| ;*" _( \ / +----/ / .'.-'---+ .-._.+' `. -'_.--. :- "_( `*-: | \/\/\/ | /) ` .'___ ' "_( ; `._| | \ )` .'.' `./_" ( : \| | (`._..--**" : .- ; `"' \ | | `----**"T"" " `+. | `. | | ' .' : _.-*"*- | | / / ' .-*" _ | | __..-'\ / "+,'___..--| Super |--**"" `-.__.' "" +----------------+ | |
Wednesday 5 June 2002
supergeil! danke! |
Predator |
Saterday 25 Mei 2002
Wooooohhhhhhaaaaa!!!! Wow this proggy is REALLY awesome!!!!! Finaly i have found what i was looking for, and even more! But Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassse, add the color support to your great proggy....please!
HuBo |
Wednesday 22 Mei 2002
Great Work! So Cool! |
Jacob |
Friday 17 Mei 2002
This program is great!!! So easy to use, so good functions and FREE!!! Great work, I must say I love Jave! A big plus for Java as development language!
I3ernd |
Sunday 28 April 2002
\|||// ooooo !!!!!!! ( oo) (O O) (oo )! +---------(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)---------ooO--(_)--Ooo-----+ | __ | | _ | o | _ | _ |_ V | | \^/(/_ | | |<(/_ \_|(_|\_/|__ o | | | +---Ooo----------------------ooO----------------------+ |__|__| |_____| |__|__| || || || || || || ooO Ooo ooO Ooo ooO Ooo
Seshadri |
Tuesday 23 April 2002
It is really heart&mind touching experience. I am very thankful for the author(s) of this program. It is one of the fiction making true. Thanks and hats off for the developer.
A beautiful idea
.-. .-. ( ` ) `. .' `.' I love JavE |
David Spinney |
Monday 22 April 2002
I would like to know how I can use this to translate Japanese to English. David of Boston |
Monday 22 April 2002
Wow! Its fantastic! I love it! It's the most useful tool I've ever seen/used! All my friends love it (and my ASCII-GFX, too)! |
Thanh Vu |
Monday 15 April 2002
wow, my god, this has got to be the coolest program i've ever seen/used!
being a programming student this has really inspired me to do something a bit different with my programming skills
wow, i think i wet my pants!
great work!!! |
Peter Mc |
Wednesday 10 April 2002
Excellent program and one of the best Java applications I have seen |
Tobias |
Tuesday 9 April 2002
Thanks! I love this tool! |
l2oBiN_Ho0D |
Tuesday 2 April 2002
One of the best. A brilliant idea. If you want tips on how it can be improved; + More user intuitiveness + Introduction of colour to the characters/ picture converters + Make it more graphically pleasant.. ie make the toobars etc a joy to look at ..lolz seriously people really like that including myself. No matter that it actually doesnt improve the program functionally. Overall Amazing idea expressed by an amazing program!!! Cant wait till JavE 5 |
daszelt |
Tuesday 26 March 2002
geniales programm. vorallem weil es plattformunabh�ngig ist. nur eines sollt gehn... mit allen truetype-schriftarten sollts funktionieren. :)
JavE rockz! |
Armin Otto |
Tuesday 26 March 2002
einfach cool. der editor ist schon genial, aber die image2ascii funktion ist spitze. das muss nur noch f�r nicht-monospace schriftarten klappen ^^ |
Peter Karp |
Saterday 23 March 2002
du bist "verr�ckt" so einen Editor zu programmieren :-) Vielen Dank f�r ein Super-Programm. War f�r mich �brigens das erste Java-Programm (Applikation), das ich kennengelernt habe und lerne nun selbst Java (f�r Bildverarbeitungsgeschichten). Keep on ASCIIing! |
Thomas |
Tuesday 19 March 2002
|> | \O/ ________________ \O | | Vielen Dank! | \O |\ / \ | Thanks a lot | |\ / \ O/|----------------|\O / \ /| | | |\ / \ / \
[tm] |
The Zep Man |
Monday 18 March 2002
A gr8 utility and homepage, man. |
jg |
Friday 15 March 2002
Just wanted to say hi. :) And what a boring homepage... I mean "TEST!"? Hehehe. |
op |
Friday 15 March 2002
this is a real cool tool!! a lot of fun!! thanks a lot! |