


FIGlet is a tool for converting text to filgetized text like this:
 _____ ___ ____ _      _     _                       _        __
|  ___|_ _/ ___| | ___| |_  (_)___    ___ ___   ___ | |  _    \ \
| |_   | | |  _| |/ _ \ __| | / __|  / __/ _ \ / _ \| | (_)____| |
|  _|  | | |_| | |  __/ |_  | \__ \ | (_| (_) | (_) | |  |_____| |
|_|   |___\____|_|\___|\__| |_|___/  \___\___/ \___/|_| (_)    | |


There are many free FIGlet programs available. I have implemented a different one some time ago and integrated it into JavE. It will be available as open source soon.

At the moment it is also available as plugin for the Java development environment Eclipse.

FIGlet fonts library

Visit the FIGlet fonts library containing more than 200 FIGlet fonts.


text file FIGfont Version 2 FIGfont and FIGdriver Standard.
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© Markus Gebhard (, 2000 - 2009
last modified: Apr 10, 2009